We provide a free version of VoicePing for the person who wants to experience our app.

Please keep in mind, in this free version you will not be able to manage your contacts and number of users inside a group. If you wish to have full control and private group for your company, organization, etc. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

1. Install VoicePing.

Install VoicePing App from the Google Play Store for Android users or App Store for IOS users.

2. VoicePing Permission.

The first time you open VoicePing, there will be some permission requests pop up. Kindly allow all the permission that is requested by the app to work properly.

3. Join Channel.

Join the public channel by choosing "Join Channel" > then Key in the 4 Digits number for the channel name. Please be noted that your coworkers or friends must key in the same 4 Digits number on their devices to be connected. You can decide the 4 digits number within your coworkers or friends.

4. Start Talking on the Group.

 You can talk with your coworkers or friend on the Channel.